Thank you for choosing ShipIt868. We’ve written a short guide on how to order using our service.
Add your delivery address
Set your delivery address to our warehouse address
Name: Your name
Address: 10963 NW 122nd St.
Suite/Apt: PLL-14046
City: Medley, Florida
Zip: 33178
Alert us!
In order to better serve you, we need to be notified. You can either alert your rep via WhatsApp or email us at [email protected]
We update you
Our team is dedicated to ensuring you receive your package. We will update you when the items arrive at the warehouse, when items are in the air, when they arrive in Trinidad and when they are ready for delivery!
You receive your items!
Our delivery team will deliver to your home or office at no extra charge. (Extra fees may apply for Tobago). We deliver as soon as items are cleared!